Common Questions

Many of our clients come to us with similar questions, or face similar problems that need our solutions. If you don't find an answer to your question below, please contact us and we will get back to you with the answers and information that you need.

Are your solutions expensive to own and operate?

No! Our solutions are designed based on natural processes with efficiency and effectiveness in mind. Our technology allows for our aerators to operate with lower power consumption ensuring low operating costs.

Why Micro Bubble Aeration?

Micro-bubbles deliver more O2 faster and more efficiently than standard aeration systems, ensuring higher O2 transfer and a longer retention period.

Are your solutions restricted to proprietary solutions?

Not at all! We are able to link technologies as needed to ensure that the right solution is deployed for you.

How does the technology work?

We encourage to ready the brochure for each of our solutions, and visit our technology page for a more detailed outline of how our technology and processes work. If you still have questions, please reach out to us and we will gladly answer you!

What are the benefits of aeration?

Aeration provides numerous benefits, such as, but not limited to:

  • Chemical and toxin free
  • Noxious odours (methane) are not a problem
  • Supports strong digestion ecology
  • Faster digestion and recovery from adverse environments
There are many other benefits to our aeration solutions.  Get in touch and we can show you how our solutions will benefit you.

What industries are your solutions for?

Our solutions are suitable for any industry that utilizes anaerobic or aerobic digestion as part of its process. Examples of this are industrial wastewater facilities, domestic wastewater treatment plants, purification and recycling facilities and many other applications.